Cello Online: Vivaldi's The Four Seasons

The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi

Spring, Summer, Winter & Autumn

Sound Files: Spring
Melody Full Score
listen JPG file
Sound Files: Summer
Melody Full Score
listen JPG file
Sound Files: Winter
Melody Full Score
listen JPG file
Sound Files: Autumn
Melody Full Score
listen JPG file

The Four Seasons by Vivaldi Overview

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) was one of the most significant Italian composers during the Baroque era. Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, a set of four violin concertos for solo violin, strings and basso continuo, was first published in 1725 as part of a set of twelve concerti, Op. 8. The Four Seasons is found at beginning of Op. 8, and Vivaldi entitled this collection of 12 concertos Il cimento dell-armonia e dell'inventione (“The Contest between Harmony and Invention”). The programmatic The Four Seasons concertos depict sounds associated with the seasons such as music that imitates the sounds of birds in the movement entitled Spring, and music that depicts the sound of a cold, icy wind in the movement entitled Winter.[1]

To learn more about Vivaldi, visit our Cello Class.


[1] Talbot, Michael and Ryom, Peter. "Antonio Vivaldi," The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Ed. Stanley Sadie. London : Macmillian, 1980. 20:31-46.

*Sheet music is scored in three-part harmony, and parts are available with interchangeable viola, violin and bass music. Sheet music files are in PDF format, and require Acrobat® Reader. If you don’t have Acrobat® Reader installed, it’s a free download. Click on the following link: Get Acrobat Reader


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